About masterclasses
a) All masterclasses include 4 to 5 individual lessons with the lecturer of choice during a course.
With some programmes, eg. Youngmasters Voice programme, participants can choose one, two or five individual lessons with the lecturer of choice.
b) For participants, the entrance to all masterclasses and other educational events (lectures, summer schools, debates etc.) is free.
Participants are advised to select a programme or a student they would like to listen to in advance. The choice of a selected lesson may depend on the performer, but also on the musical piece which is played. At the request of the participants, the organizer will multiply the necessary music material so that while listening to the lessons they can write down notes and comments. Therefore, participating in a masterclass doesn’t include only an active mode, but also a listening one (the so called passive mode). This is why the schedule of lessons will be sent via e-mail to all participants one week before the beginning of the masterclass. The programme that will be performed during the masterclass is to be announced by each participant on the first day of the course, during the introductory lesson.
c) For the active mode of participation, your program should comprise three music pieces. In case of a cyclic piece, a theme with variations, or any longer musical form, it can be processed through two or even three lectures.
To the active participants of the Youngmasters Voice programe, we suggest to choose arias /cavatina, cabaletta or a whole scene to work on during their lessons, but we also recommend them to include in their program some lieder (a single lied or a whole cycle), duets or ensembles from opera of their choice.
d) Active participants of guitar, cello, clarinet and saxophone masterclasses could also participate in the work of a similar or mixed ensemble during the course.
e) For the students of the piano masterclass, there is an instrument for daily practice. Practicing rooms will be available to other students too.
For the Youngmasters Voice participants, practice rooms for warmups, daily practice and rehearsals with the accompanists (according to their selected option) will be available.
f) Participants have an opportunity to perform solo in one or two concerts.
g) Chamber ensembles and soloist who will perform at the Youngmasters Gala Concert will be selected by the artistic director and the team of lecturers.
Free time
Organizirano slobodno vrijeme nudi mnoge sadržaje kao što su kupanje na bazenima, piknik na samoborskom Vugriščaku, biljar i dr.,