• When are the masterclasses held?

Classes are held in the morning or in the afternoon. We publish the final schedule after the applications are completed, after figuring out the exact number of participants. When registering, some special circumstances related to the individual lessons’ schedule can be pointed out by leaving a note.

  • How many lessons are included in the masterclass price?

The price of the masterclass includes 5 individual lessons for active participants. Exceptionally, 4 lessons are included if the masterclass lasts less than 5 days. Be sure to count on an additional appointment with an accompanist, if there is a need for one. In addition to the above, participants can attend other students’ individual classes, in order to get acquainted with the literature and learn by listening to others. In the evenings, there are concerts and other festival events, to which the participants have free entry.

  • Are chamber music lessons included in the price of the masterclass?

If a chamber ensemble is formed within the class, the chamber music lessons are included in the registration fee.

  • Is the summer school program intended for younger children or primarily for older children in primary and secondary school?

As part of the Youngmasters program, several lecturers work with younger ages, regardless of playing level. For example, Nenad Merle (violin), Mihael Paar (clarinet), Lovro Merčep (saxophone), Morana Pešutić (guitar). If the younger student’s playing level is significantly above his age, every teacher is ready to work with him.

  • Is accommodation required or is it possible to travel to masterclasses every day?

Accommodation is not mandatory, it depends on whether you can organize your daily travel.

  •  What if I cannot arrive on the scheduled start date of the seminar?

In case you cannot start on the scheduled start day of the seminar, be sure to mention it in the note when registering so we can provide a compensation for the missed individual class on one of the following days.

  • By what date is it necessary to pay the registration fee?

At the time of registration, 70€ is paid. The rest must be paid before the start of the seminar.

  • Is there a refund of the registration fee in case of cancellation?

In case of cancellation:

    • by July 10 of the current year, we will refund the total amount paid for the application or registration fee.
    • for cancellations from July 10 to August 18, we keep part of the registration fee in the amount of €40, and return the rest.
    • in case of cancellation on the day of the start of the seminar, we retain the registration fee in the amount of €70.
  • Do passive participants receive certificates of participation?

The passive participant registers daily when arriving at the seminar (time of arrival and departure). Upon completion of the seminar, the participant receives a certificate stating the number of hours attended and a description of the seminar.

  • How is the lunch organized?

Lunch is organized in the restaurant “Pri staroj vuri”. At our Info desk, you need to buy a 6€ coupon for lunch in the restaurant. You can have lunch between 12:00 and 15:00 on weekdays, and on weekends, due to large crowds, until 12:30 or after 14:30.